Saturday, April 4, 2020

Tutoring in Santa Barbara, California

Tutoring in Santa Barbara, CaliforniaTutoring in Santa Barbara, California is available to those who are ready to help others. There are many children who don't have the same advantage as adults when it comes to education. The best way to make their future brighter is to go through a great education that you can gain from such a program. This is just another step in achieving your dream.Tutoring in Santa Barbara is also beneficial for children who want to improve their skills and become educated. You will find many programs that can help you realize your dreams and get better job opportunities in the future. You can find a lot of employers that would be willing to hire someone who has successfully gone through tutoring.Tutoring in Santa Barbara can really help you learn all the different kinds of skills that you need to make a difference in the world. It can greatly improve your knowledge and can help you land a great job. Having this training will also make you a more confident pers on and give you the edge that you need to get the job you want. This program will help you with many things, like marketing, accounting, and many more.Experience in tutoring can really open your eyes to a lot of things that are beyond your abilities. It can change your life by giving you a lot of new ways to solve problems and to see a lot of things from different points of view. These training programs are offered in a number of locations across the United States, so you don't have to travel to get this amazing experience.Another great thing about the tutoring is that you don't have to worry about finding classes at night or even in the middle of the day. Since the classes are not scheduled, you can learn from anywhere and anytime you want. You can even take these classes at the convenience of your home if you want. This can also provide a great way to stay in touch with your family while working towards your dreams.Aside from the great time you will have at school, you can learn a lot from tutoring as well. This will help you advance further in your field and you can get opportunities to work in various fields. In fact, these programs are great for anyone who wants to earn more money and create a better future for themselves.If you need some extra money, then you can consider getting your education through tutoring. You will enjoy a lot of benefits from this kind of program and you will have a high chance of landing a great job at a good salary. You can find a great service at

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Math Magic Join our math magic modules, where math is real fun

“Math Magic” Join our math magic modules, where math is real fun 0SHARESShare • Algebra, • trigonometry, • fractions, • Pythagoras, • properties, • ratios, • factorization, • geometry, • graphs, • equations, Hard work is the base for any successful person. If you plant hard work today you will reap success tomorrow. So, be careful what you plant now, because it will determine what you will reap tomorrow. Society remembers only the achievers and the successful people. We are here to provide a success story to each one of our students.   A brief introduction on math magic, a math online module. We have excellent trainers who gauge your requirement through useful interaction on math topics, number of online math sessions required The trainers have ample study materials in well-defined structures with lots of solved examples, working models which covers constructions, decimals, inequalities, calculus, application oriented problems related to all relevant topics One can have an online math tutoring anytime in one’s living room, watch and learn asthe lessons   are taught One can rewind, fast forward, pause the tutor and listen to it as many times as one wants. This is the greatest advantage of online math sessions. Homework online math sessions, revision tests , exams and much more Take action to enroll right away to the modern way of learning at leisure time through the online facility. The seeds you now scatter will bring fruits and make your life an example to others. Stand tall and excel in your studies from now onwards….            [starbox id=admin]

Friday, March 6, 2020

French Movies on Netflix Streaming Right Now - January 2016

French Movies on Netflix Streaming Right Now - January 2016 Sign up successful Music teacher, Clément Mathieu (Gérard Jugnot) starts a boys choir at a strict boarding school for boys in France. One child in particular, Pierre, is an aimless troublemaker, but his music teacher sees promise in his budding abilities. 68% on Rotten Tomatoes. The Nun (2013) R In this film based on a novel by Denis Diderot, young Suzanne is forced to become a nun because she is an illegitimate child. Suzanne struggles with the strict discipline of the nuns and considers breaking her vows. 75% on Rotten Tomatoes. Diplomacy (2014) Unrated Set in World War II, this riveting drama follows two diplomats whose negotiations played a pivotal role in the war as they debate the future of Paris. 93% on Rotten Tomatoes. In The House (2013) R A precocious student inserts himself into his classmates family, giving his writing teacher voyeuristic thrills and new inspiration. 89% on Rotten Tomatoes. Haute Cuisine (2012) PG-13 A cook from a truffle farm in  Périgord played by Catherine Frot becomes the personal chef of Frances president. Based on a true story, this film serves up a slice of French life as well as glimpses of fabulous food. 68% on Rotten Tomatoes. Holy Motors (2012) Unrated In this mind-bending French movie, actor Denis Lavant plays a mysterious man who himself dresses in costumes to play many odd, improvised roles. Accompanied by his loyal driver, he travels around Paris to take part in a number of unusual (and sometimes violent) scenes. 91% on Rotten Tomatoes. Tomboy (2011) Unrated 10-year-old Laure moves with her family to a new neighborhood, where she begins a new life as a boy,  Mikäel. Lead actress  Zoé Héran received warm  critical acclaim for her role as a transgender child. 97% on Rotten Tomatoes. Yves Saint Laurent (2014) R This drama follows the turbulent and glamorous life of fashion designer Yves Saint Laurent. After being fired from the House of Dior, Saint Laurent and his partner built their own formidable fashion house. 45% on Rotten Tomatoes. Have you seen any great French movies on Netflix lately? Let us know about them in the comments below, check back with us each month to find more great French movies! Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher

What is Overtone Singing Introduction Vocal Exercise

What is Overtone Singing Introduction Vocal Exercise Suzy S. Ever heard of overtone singing? Learn more about the intriguing technique in this guest post by Ann Arbor, MI voice teacher  Elaina R How many pitches can a singer sing at once? If you said one, that’s generally correct; most singers can only produce one audible pitch at a time. However, some can sing two pitches at a time, creating an eerie, ear-catching sound. Here’s a good example: How is that possible? What is overtone singing, and can anyone learn to do it? The answer has a little to do with science, a little to do with anatomy, and a lot to do with practicing. What are Overtones? Typically, singers (and other instruments) focus on the fundamental pitch. The fundamental pitch is the main pitch you hear when you sing a note. If someone is singing off tune, that means they are singing the wrong fundamental pitch. Overtones are the higher partials of a fundamental note. Nearly all musical pitches have overtones, whether you hear them or not. Overtones occur because of the way sound waves work and are based on the harmonic series â€" a sequence dividing the fundamental pitch into smaller and smaller pieces. This sequence was used to develop the Western musical scale. What is Overtone Singing? In overtone singing, the singer focuses on the overtones rather than the fundamental pitch. Some singers can jump from partial to partial, creating scales and melodies with overtones. Since the overtones are always there, overtone singers aren’t working to produce them; they just make them louder and learn to move around the overtone scale. Many cultures, particularly in Asia, have been using overtone singing for generations. Probably the most famous example of this is throat singing, in which the fundamental pitch is extremely low. However, overtone singing doesn’t have to involve an uncomfortably low fundamental pitch. All you need is a consistent fundamental pitch and a little patience. How Can I Learn Overtone Singing? To bring out the overtones in your sound, practice changing your resonator (mouth shape) by manipulating the lips and tongue. Find an area with some background noise, such as a bathroom with the fan on. Background noise helps mask the fundamental pitch so you can hear the overtones better. Place the tip of the tongue directly behind the front top teeth so that your tongue forms an upward curve inside your mouth. Sing a comfortable low pitch in chest voice (speaking range) on an “ee” vowel. While singing the pitch, slowly shift from an “ee” vowel to an “ooh” vowel and back. Experiment with this until you start to hear overtones. Once you do, you can continue to slightly change the shape and positioning of your tongue and lips to bring out the overtones. Fundamentals First What is overtone singing? It is a result of the natural overtone scale inherent to pitch. As with any kind of singing, overtone singing can hurt your voice if you don’t do it correctly. To get really good at overtone singing, it’s important to understand how singing works in the first place. If you ever experience discomfort or get hoarse trying to bring out overtones, stop what you are doing! To learn how to sing well â€" and maybe learn to incorporate overtones â€" the smartest thing to do is consult a professional. Search for teachers in your area here! Elaina R. teaches singing in  Ann Arbor, MI. She earned a Bachelor of Music from the University of Southern California, and she is currently working on her Master of Music from the University of Michigan. Learn more about Elaina here! Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher Photo by  Susanne Nilsson

Thursday, March 5, 2020

5 Tips for Learning a Foreign Language

5 Tips for Learning a Foreign Language The following piece was written by Tiffany Sorensen. Tiffany is a professional Spanish and SAT tutor for Varsity Tutors. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Spanish Language Literature from Stony Brook University. Contrary to popular opinion, there is no simple solution to quickly learning a foreign language. As with other academic subjects, the degree to which you understand and improve is proportionate to the amount of time and effort you expend. When it comes to learning another language, attitude plays a key role in how easily your brain absorbs information. Consider the below suggestions as approaches, not shortcuts. Keep these five points in mind as you begin or continue on your foreign language journey. 1.If you believe mastering another language will prove to be an effortless undertaking, youre in for a large shock. Beware of advertisements with taglines such as, Learn Italian in 48 hours! You can be certain that these claims are false. Unfortunately, theres just no way around the truth truly understanding a foreign language is a long, tedious process that may take several years. But dont be discouraged. The ability to converse in more than one language brings with it an incredible sense of accomplishment. In other words, its worth the struggle! 2.One of the most common errors that foreign language learners make is remaining silent so as to avoid mistakes. The sooner you realize that youre going to make errors and lots of them the better off youll be. Its okay to be incorrect. If you ask any foreign language teacher, he/she will tell you that it is exponentially better to say something incorrectly than to say nothing at all. Imagine how painful French class would be if no one dared to participate. The fact of the matter is that we learn best when making mistakes. Corrections may be uncomfortable, but youll likely never commit that same error again. Whats worse is to continue believing you know the right way to phrase something when you really dont. 3.Study after study has proven that the ideal way to learn another language is via total immersion that is, spending extensive periods of time in a country where the language is spoken. You can achieve this in a variety of ways: taking classes overseas through your college, working or volunteering abroad, or merely traveling for pleasure. While formal foreign language classes are useful for literacy purposes, only real-life interactions will prompt you to put what youve learned into practice. Until you converse with native speakers of another language, everything youve studied is purely theoretical. Also, reaching an advanced level of oral fluency in another language can only be achieved by consistently using it. Think of foreign language as a muscle; the more it is exercised, the stronger it becomes. 4.Dont limit yourself to just one variety of a foreign language. For instance, if you choose to learn Spanish, you should possess, at minimum, a general understanding of several dialects of Spanish. Language varies greatly from one geographical region to another. For example, consider how British and American English have wildly different sounds and expressions. The Spanish of Spain is drastically different from that of Mexico, and the same can be said of Chilean Spanish when compared to the Spanish of the Caribbean. These differences include variations in pronunciation, vocabulary, sentence structure, and slang. To focus entirely on any one dialect is impractical, as it limits the number of people with whom you can effectively communicate. 5.The English language has a reputation for readily assimilating foreign words into its vocabulary. This is beneficial to English speakers when learning other languages, especially the Romance languages, because there are many words that look alike and have similar meanings. Cognates, such as intelligent in English and inteligente in Spanish, are words derived from the same roots. Occasionally, it is obvious when two words are related, while at other times, it requires deeper analysis. At first sight, it may seem that the Spanish word for hand mano has no connection whatsoever with the English word, hand. However, consider the adjective manual, as in manual labor (labor performed with the hands). Noticing links between words will greatly help you to remember vocabulary. Nonetheless, there are several false cognates. These are words that look alike but actually signify entirely different things. For example, decepcin in Spanish actually means disappointment. So be certain to proceed with caution! Happy language learning!

Eight Essential Strategies for Succeeding on Standardized Tests

Eight Essential Strategies for Succeeding on Standardized Tests Careful preparation and utilizing smart standardized test taking strategies are the first steps to ensuring a high score and success on a standardized test. It is unwise to sit for a standardized test without thorough and thoughtful preparation. This preparation should start early and continue to the testing day to ensure the highest score possible. Some of the most effective standardized test taking strategies include: Giving yourself plenty of time to prepare Cramming for the standardized test is both foolish and ineffective. Your brain needs time to reinforce existing concepts and to connect to new learning. Expecting a few short weeks (or days) of test preparation will be enough is a common mistake made by students. Many students spend months preparing for the test and are incredibly well prepared on assessment day. Planning your preparation Careful preparation should include an established plan to ensure all subject areas are covered. You should also allow time to practice each test section because the types of questions and response formats will vary. Establish a schedule that provides plenty of time to review and practice every section and each subject area. Practicing under testing conditions Simply answering practice questions isnt enough. You should spend some time simulating actual testing conditions. Set aside time in a quiet setting to practice under conditions similar to what youll encounter on the actual testing day. You should also familiarize yourself with the directions and structure of the test during these simulation sessions. Eliminating the unforeseen Dont risk your success on the standardized test by not preparing for the unforeseen. Get plenty of rest before the testing session, have directions to the testing center ready, gather your materials ahead of time, and dont forget to eat so you avoid being hungry. Success on a standardized test will be difficult to achieve if youre rushed, frantic, hungry, or anxious. Previewing the test Before you dive in and begin answering questions you should spend a few moments previewing the test. Glance through the booklet and determine the total number of questions, the type of questions asked, and any potential pitfalls you can identify. Make notes, as allowed, on sections that seem the most difficult or in areas of the test you are concerned about. Using materials wisely You should make good use of the test booklet and scratch paper as allowed under the testing guidelines. Use the test booklet like a workbook as permitted under the directions by circling key phrases, underlining important concepts, drawing a line through incorrect answers, and working the math problems near the test item. Be careful though! Review the testing directions to ensure this allowed. Pacing yourself Since standardized tests are most often designed around a time limitation it is important to pace yourself. You want to complete the exam and ensure you have answered all the questions you definitely know the answer to. If a problem or question seems too hard you should skip it and come back. Youre better off completing all the questions you know for sure instead of dedicating too much time to an unknown question. Using process of elimination Many standardized tests rely on multiple choice questions as the main evaluation tool. You can employ a process of elimination strategy when answering multiple choice questions. If you are unsure of an answer take a moment to eliminate the options you know are incorrect. Cross them out and then refocus on the remaining answers. Youre more likely to choose a correct answer if youve eliminated ones you know are incorrect. This also cuts down on careless mistakes that can negatively affect your score. What are some additional standardized test taking strategies that youve found especially beneficial?

Learn More About The ACT Registration Process Today

Learn More About The ACT Registration Process Today Understanding the ACT Registration Process The new school year is upon us and it is nearly time to confirm the details of your ACT registration. If you are planning to take the ACT exam this year it is never too early to prepare for the registration process. Understanding as much as you can about the exam is important to ensure the registration process goes smoothly and you can focus on your academic preparation. ACT Examination Information: The ACTis administered on six national test dates. The test dates for the 2013 - 2014 school year can be found here and on the Huntington Helps website: September 21, 2013 October 26, 2013 December 14, 2013 February 8, 2014 April 12, 2014 June 14, 2014 Plan ahead when registering for the ACT. Theregistration deadline is typically four weeks before the exam date. Youcan register after the deadline but will be assessed a late fee. There are fees associated with the ACT exam. A fee of$36.50 includes the ACT exam (no writing) plus reports for you, your high school, and up to four colleges. The ACT Plus Writing requires a fee of $52.50which includes a report for you, your high school, and up to fourcolleges. There are additional fees assessed for additional collegereports, standby testing, telephone re-registration, testing changes, and international testing. Registering online: Online registration is recommended unless you haveextenuating circumstances that require registration by mail. The ACTregistration process is secure and you can be confident that your personalinformation is kept private. You will first need to create an ACT Web account. Thisis where you will register, verify testing center details, receive scorereports, and determine the colleges that will receive your reports. The ACT Web account initiation will require you tocreate a log-in and password for future use. Make sure you take note ofboth of these so you will always have access to the site. You will know instantly whether your preferred testingcenter has available space for you. You will also be able to print youradmission ticket directly from your ACT Web account. TheACT now requires a clear photo with a new registration. You must upload a clear photo of yourself against a light background before yourregistration is complete. This photo is used as a means of verifying identification on the testing day and on the score report that your high school will receive. The ACT website contains full quality and technical requirements for your uploaded picture. Registering by mail: You are required to register by mail if you are youngerthan 13 years old or are unable to pay by credit card. A registration-by-mail packet is available from yourhigh school or by requesting a packet on the ACT website. Once your registration materials are received you willthen be notified by mail of your testing date and which testing centeryou've been assigned to. Special circumstances: There are a variety of special circumstances that mayrequire you to pursue arranged testing options. Details of the arrangedtesting requirements can be found online at the ACT website. Special circumstances include: Being homebound or confined. Living more than 75 miles from a testing site. Needing international testing. Requiring a Sabbath/Sunday testing center. You may be eligible for extended time if you have adefined learning disability and extended time is part of yourIndividualized Education Plan (IEP). You must submit an Application forACT Extended Time National Testing signed by you and a schoolofficial. Regardless if you register online or by mail this applicationmust be submitted by mail. ACT testing centers are able to provide a variety ofaccommodations to students with defined disabilities. These accommodationsinclude a wheelchair accessible testing room, a large type booklet, snacksin the test room for diabetics, and the use of a sign languageinterpreter. Registration details can be found online with guidelines forrequesting special accommodations.